Here at GVPN we are delighted about the new Meeting in a Box! This is a toolkit for community groups, classes and neighbours to share your thoughts on Victoria's future. As the City of Victoria updates the Official Community Plan (OCP) until September 2024, City staff are … [Read more...]
Design Victoria Walking Tours: Placemaking and Public Spaces
Design Victoria is back for its second year! Don't miss the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network's walking tours to explore both some of Victoria’s much loved and lesser-known public spaces, as well as more recent placemaking efforts in and around the downtown core. In this … [Read more...]
Your invitation: GVPN Annual General Meeting
Placemakers! You are invited to a lively discussion among like-minded others at our next Annual General Meeting. This includes current members, future members, and just the plain curious! The Greater Victoria Placemaking Network (GVPN) is hosting its 2023 Annual General … [Read more...]
Call for Volunteer Painters! Falaise Crescent Road Mural Refresh
On August 20, we're looking for around 8 volunteer painters to help in an annual refresh of this road mural, a continued collaboration of the Falaise Community Association and the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network. When: Sunday, August 20, starting @ 8:30am until ~ … [Read more...]
Bookish Scavenger Hunt and Book Launch of Up for Grabs by Michelle Mulder
A Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt is taking place in Little Free Libraries across Greater Victoria! Award-winning local author, Michelle Mulder, is releasing a new children’s novel this spring, Up for Grabs. In honor of the book’s themes of hidden treasures and neighborhood … [Read more...]