Here at the GVPN, we are excited to see Placemaking in Progress at the corner of Richmond and Richardson Streets in Victoria. The three faith-based communities of St Matthias Anglican Church, Abbey Church and the Emmaus Community share a vision of creating great gathering spots … [Read more...]
GVPN Placemaking: Year in Review
From all of us at the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network, we are grateful to have the support and encouragement of members and placemakers in our network over the years. As 2021 comes to a close, we want to take a moment to reflect back on the past twelve months. Finding ways … [Read more...]
Truth and Reconciliation Little Free Library Books for Kids Project
The Project The Greater Victoria Placemaking Network would like to establish a fund, with which to purchase copies of books for children and young adults centered around truth and reconciliation. Volunteers would then distribute these books to the 560 little free libraries … [Read more...]