On November 18, 2024, GVPN held its Annual General Meeting with members. We said goodbye to departing board members Molly Rose, Ray Straatsma and Kris Nichols and warmly welcomed Ciara Chamberlaine and Jim LaMorte (Jim is returning after taking a year off and it’s great to have … [Read more...]
Join us on December 9 for The Big Takeaway
On Monday, December 9, join the GVPN and friends for a story-sharing event on some key placemaking and public space "lessons" of 2024. Got something you'd like to share? This "open mic" style event is open to anyone. Sign up for a 5-minute slot today! About The Big … [Read more...]
New Road Mural at the Oaklands Rise Woonerf
What's a Woonerf* you might be asking - to quote from the Oaklands Rise Woonerf brochure it's a "people-first, community building concept ... to reduce risk of harm in residential neighbourhoods." In the Oaklands version it's an area of Oaklands without sidewalks that manages, … [Read more...]
Bookish Scavenger Hunt and Book Launch of Up for Grabs by Michelle Mulder
A Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt is taking place in Little Free Libraries across Greater Victoria! Award-winning local author, Michelle Mulder, is releasing a new children’s novel this spring, Up for Grabs. In honor of the book’s themes of hidden treasures and neighborhood … [Read more...]
Books featuring Little Free Libraries (LFLs) and highlight placemaking concepts
One of the most popular placemaking initiatives that the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network is involved with is Little Free Libraries (LFLs). Teale Phelps Bondaroff has been leading the GVPN’s Pocket Places Project, that has LFLs at its centre, since the early days of the … [Read more...]