Eric Klinenberg's book takes its title from what Andrew Carnegie said that he wanted the libraries that he funded, over 2,500 built in the late 1800s and early 1900s (mostly in the United States), to be. This sentiment was borne out in the libraries, many of which had high … [Read more...]
Bookish Scavenger Hunt and Book Launch of Up for Grabs by Michelle Mulder
A Golden Ticket Scavenger Hunt is taking place in Little Free Libraries across Greater Victoria! Award-winning local author, Michelle Mulder, is releasing a new children’s novel this spring, Up for Grabs. In honor of the book’s themes of hidden treasures and neighborhood … [Read more...]
Books featuring Little Free Libraries (LFLs) and highlight placemaking concepts
One of the most popular placemaking initiatives that the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network is involved with is Little Free Libraries (LFLs). Teale Phelps Bondaroff has been leading the GVPN’s Pocket Places Project, that has LFLs at its centre, since the early days of the … [Read more...]
Voices in Motion choristers serenade local little free library
Video recording of Amy Van Wensem, Musical Director, leading the Voices in Motion choristers and student author Priscila Kumar in a song: dona nobis pacem (let there be peace). On February 22, 2023, the Voices in Motion Choral Society and Greater Victoria Placemaking Network … [Read more...]
The Placemaker’s Bookshelf Updated
In September 2017 I wrote a blog post reviewing seven placemaking books that I thought deserved a place on The Placemaker's Bookshelf. You can see the original post here and the seven books featured in it are: 1. The Death and Life of Great American Cities – Jane Jacobs … [Read more...]