Design Victoria is back for its second year!
Don’t miss the Greater Victoria Placemaking Network’s walking tours to explore both some of Victoria’s much loved and lesser-known public spaces, as well as more recent placemaking efforts in and around the downtown core.
In this ~90-minute walk we’ll see how well you know Victoria’s public spaces as well as explore your feelings around them – do you find them inviting and welcoming or sterile and off-putting and why might they make you feel that way. We’ll also try on our equity-lens glasses and try and imagine the spaces from another person’s perspective – perhaps a child or someone with mobility challenges or impaired vision. Along the way we’ll look for the magnificent in the everyday and the artistic touches that are incorporated into many of these spaces. Participants will be issued with a notebook and encouraged to jot down their feelings and thoughts about what they find along the way. Hopefully we’ll rendezvous with the other walking group at Songhees Park Plaza and perhaps have a lively discussion about what we’ve seen and experienced on our respective walks.”
– Susan Martin, Placemaking Walking Tour Leader
Walking Tours: Placemaking and Public Spaces
When: Sunday, May 12th, 10am – 12pm
Tour 1: meet at Red Barn Market, Menzies St (James Bay)
Tour 2: meet at Atrium Building (inside lobby) 808 Yates St
*GVPN’s free walking tours will run concurrently*
After May 12, we’ll add to this blog post with a map and guide for those that might like to do it on their own at some future date.
From May 9-12, immerse yourself in Victoria’s vibrant design scene. With 30+ free events, the festival has doubled in size this year, with inspirational public walks and talks, food, fashion, architecture, interior and landscape design. For all the event details, head over to