I love a mystery – who doesn’t? And so I find myself intrigued by a series of ‘installations’ by persons unknown (or at least unknown to me) that have been appearing recently around the Monterey Centre (in Oak Bay), behind that imaginary capitalist barrier called the Tweed Curtain.
Sometimes the plaques (tiles? miniatures?) spell out a word; sometimes they seem to be arranged without any meaning as in the photo below. I hope to come across them in more configurations and locations in the future and maybe uncover the secret of their origin. Or perhaps I would be happier not knowing and just imagining a backstory for their creator(s).
Guest Author Bio
Susan Martin
I don’t drive and love whenever it is practical to get to places by walking so I feel as if I see things that many people zoom by and might not notice. After the organizational placemaking meeting I was inspired to learn more about Jane Jacobs and am now working my way through her ‘Death and Life’ book. I hope to host a ‘Jane’s Walk’ in my neighbourhood and so I am now purposefully heading out with my camera to see what I might like to focus on for my walk. I lived in Victoria during my teens (in the 70s), then in Calgary for 11 years and then came back here in 1992. More recently I returned in July 2014 after two years in Uppsala, Sweden, doing a Master’s in International Health. I am interested in the effects – negative and positive – neighbourhood/city design has on the health of individuals, families and ultimately society.
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