I’ve been living near the Cook Street Village for more than 30 years, but if you join me on a Jane’s Walk in the Village this Sunday, May 3 at 3 pm, I’m sure you’ll get to know this scenic, historic shopping and strolling area better than I do now.
Walk guides include City Councillor and planning maven Pam Madoff, writer Ken Roueche, author of A Fairfield History, and City arborist Robert Hughes, who will reveal the future of the majestic chestnut trees overhanging the street.
The Village is facing development pressures due to a new city plan which increases height and density in the area, contrary to previous plans. Some local residents are planning a Placemaking project for the Village.
This coming weekend is the world festival of Jane’s Walks and Victorians will join people in more than 130 cities world-wide in these citizen-led walks inspired by Canadian urbanist Jane Jacobs.
One of the eight other scheduled walks in Victoria is a re-creation of a downtown urban renewal tour organized in 1967 by a City planner for visiting politicians and architects from Seattle. Other local walks are in the downtown, Fernwood, Esquimalt, Burnside and South Jubilee.
For more information, see Jane’s Walk Victoria.
Guest Author Bio
Sid Tafler
Fairfield resident, writer/editor, former board member of Fairfield Gonzales Community Association, co-founder of Streetlife committee of FGCA. He was Editor of Monday Magazine for six years and a contributor and columnist for the Globe and Mail.