You’ve probably grown so accustomed to them that you barely notice them any longer but for me the informative, attractive and narrative boxes that contain the nuts and bolts that keep us supplied with electricity are a constant delight.
Our old new-age friend Google was unable to give me any details on when this project first took root in the region (decorated boxes can be seen from Sooke to Sidney and everywhere in between) or even who is in charge. How many such boxes are in your neighbourhood? Do you ever pause to read the ones that feature text or marvel at how the surroundings have changed (or not) around those that present archival photographs of the spot in which they reside?
Above are some examples from my neck of the woods and below is a box that is pretty much in the drab condition it was produced in except for some ‘independent’ decoration in the form of graffito (or does the fact that it is a pair mean it is graffiti).